
Croke Park and the Concerts

I am not a great fan of Garth Brooks, or of big concerts in general. Personally I have no strong feelings about the cancellation of the concerts, though I am sorry for all the people who had bought tickets, and were looking forward to the event. But the circumstances around this cancellation, I believe, highlight something about modern Ireland that I think is particularly unpleasant, and indeed destructive. I refer to the extraordinary level of negativity, how there are invariably people who object to everything and anything that is proposed and who organise opposition to it.

Bishops’ response to meeting with ACP regarding censored priests

About a month ago the leadership of the ACP met with three members of the Bishops Conference, and brought up a number of issues relating to the Irish Church. They asked them to bring their views to the full Conference, and to give a response. One of the issues raised was the question of censored priests. The Bishops response to this was as follows:

“The issue of censored priests was also reported.

Percy French Summer School, Castlecoote House, Roscommon

My next speaking engagement is at the Percy French Summer School in Castlecoote House. Castlecoote House is a beautiful old house about five miles from Roscommon town.
I am speaking on Thursday, July 10th, at 12.15pm, on the subject: “The Holy Spirit speaks through women also”.
Since this is a summer school, it is a ticket affair, and people need to book in advance.
If you wish to attend you will need to get in touch with the owner of the house, and organiser of the summer school, Kevin Finnerty.

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