Seamus Ahearne of the ACP Leadership Team reflects on Veritas refusal to stock ‘A Question of Conscience’

The ‘Sunday Times’ of 8 December 2013 has an article by Justine McCarthy on Veritas and its refusal to stock Tony Flannery’s book.

Our association’s AGM had passed a proposal on this issue. However, there was no adequate response to the  ACP’s letter. All we seem to know now is that the decision at Veritas was a management decision (whoever they are!)

A few points:

  1. I’m embarrassed by such a ridiculous decision in regard to Tony’s book.
  2. What is Veritas afraid of? Who are they protecting? Has anything been learned  from the history of protectionism and censorship?
  3. Are the eyes of our general public incapable of reading such a book,  and making up their minds on it or not?
  4. One possible reason is that ‘they’  (Veritas management) were ashamed of the treatment of Tony Flannery and wanted to keep the reality of this treatment from the reading public.
  5. I think Veritas stocks the New Missal which is much more seditious in its theology than anything Tony Flannery could dream of  – never mind write about.
  6. Finally, it reminds me of the most amusing episode of Roy Keane and Alex Ferguson. In the burst up that led to Roy’s departure, Alex accused Roy of  letting down the ‘good name of the Club’ (Manchester United). Roy’s retort was:  “The good name of the Club – what about the ‘Rock of Gibraltar’? “  (The horse and Alex’s battle with Magnier and Co).  I think there is something similar going on here
  7. The good name of the Church has been badly damaged by the way the CDF has treated and is treating Tony Flannery. It is compounded by the stupidity of Veritas. Theology used to be defined as ‘ faith seeking understanding.’  That hasn’t been happening. The Church of Pope Francis is very far away from the nonsensical officialdom,  involved with this saga.  Our national Church here in Ireland hasn’t been very helpful either as far as we can see or hear. Veritas?  I don’t think so.

Seamus Ahearne osa is a member of the ACP Leadership Team