Monthly Archives: November 2020

Celebrating my brother’s funeral Mass

My brother died last Friday. He had dementia for a number of years, so we were gradually losing him, and in the end his death was a relief, and a release for him. He was 78 years old. He had been a Redemptorist, like myself. As the oldest in the family he led the way, and to some extent my decision to join the Redemptorists was partly due to the fact that Peter had gone before me.

Some initial responses from people who have read my book

I have just finished reading From the Outside in just two sessions, and I found it a most insightful look at the modern Church both here in Ireland and elsewhere.  You raise so many good points with whichI agree.  The points, on which we might diverge, pale in comparisonwith what is truly pressing.

You will be aware of the phrase “You can lead the horse to water, but you cannot make it drink”, and it is one which constantly comes to mind when I look at the Church in Ireland. 

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