This article covers ground I have been over many times; but it needs to be told again.

This article contains nothing new; it is old ground that I have been over many times. But every now and again, when I hear of some other ‘skullduggery’ connected with the CDF, it all comes back to me again. So, here it is:

A few days ago I met someone who wanted to hear the story of my dealings with the Vatican. Going back over it stirred up many memories, and made me realise again what a ‘shower’ I was dealing with in the CDF (known now as the Dicastery for the Congregation of the Faith).

The first person dealing with me was Cardinal William Levada, an American. This was the man that my Superior General, Michael Brehl, addressed as “Your Eminence” when he went over to discuss my case. I remember feeling at the time, when Brehl let that slip to me, that there was little chance of him standing up for me against someone whom he saw as “Eminence” Later Levada went back to the U.S. after retirement, and made news after he was convicted for drink driving. I doubt if the policeman or judge or whoever dealt with him as an ‘Eminence”.  He died not long after.

Next in line was Cardinal Gerhard Meuller, a German and tough as they come. His dealing with me were totally authoritarian. When Francis became pope he moved Meuller out at the first opportunity. Meuller is now one of the main leaders of the anti-Francis movement in the Church.

He was replaced by a Jesuit, Luis Ladaria. He had an assistant named Giacomo Morandi. During Ladaria’s time in charge he must have delegated Morandi to deal with my case. He laid down further demands, in the same fashion as those who had gone before him. 

Then Ladaria showed his true colours. When he was asked at a press conference about my case he answered that they had consistently attempted to dialogue with me, but did not succeed. That was a total falsehood, considering nobody from that  dicastery ever communicated directly with me. That public statement, which effectively was blaming me for the situation, really upset me.

Morandi was shortly afterwards moved on by Francis. Ladaria is past retirement, and due to be replaced in the present reform of the Curia.

And now I discover that all this time a French cardinal, Ricard, who had abused a fourteen year old girl when he was in his forties, was working in the CDF. He had carefully covered up this behaviour for years, while he climbed the clerical ladder, a bishop and then a cardinal.

What was in common with all these men was arrogance, and a total sense of superiority. 

What a ‘rogues gallery’ I got myself caught up with.